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What Is The Prostate Gland?
The prostate is a walnut-size gland which weight about 20grams and is located between the bladder and the penis.

The prostate sits just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body.

grab this key product and have a good prostate health
forever argi+
forever berry nectar
forever vitolize for men
forever multi-maca
forever pomesteen power
forever lycium plus
forever bee propolis

take your time and read below for more information on each product and after you have received your prostate health package we will still provide you a diet plan to support you as well.


·        Its job is to make the seminal fluid which is vital for nutrition and lubricating the sperms.
·        During sexual intercourse, seminal fluid comes down the urethra and mixes with the sperm production in the testicles to form the semen.
·        The prostate contracts during ejaculation and squirts it fluid into the urethra.
·        The prostate contracts during ejaculation, closing off the opening between the bladder and urethra and pushing semen through at speed. This is why it is impossible to urinate and ejaculate at the same time.


·        Inflammation of the prostate, sometimes caused by the infection, PROSTATITIS.
·        Prostate Cancer, it’s the most common form of cancer in men.
·        Prostate Enlargement called Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy(BPH) associated with aging in men.


This condition affects every man.
After age 30, for reasons that may be hormonal, the prostate gland begins to enlarge. From 20 grams it may grow to almost 100 grams.
As it enlarges, the prostate squeezes the urethra and this may result in the difficulty in passing urine.
This may lead to repeated urinary tract infections and gradually result in bladder or kidney damage.


1.     Prostate enlargement occurs most frequently in men and often wrongly referred to as Prostate Cancer.
2.     Majority of men as they progress in life would suffer from prostate enlargement.
3.     Black men are more likely to suffer from prostate related conditions than white men. According to ~Prostate Cancer~ UK.
4.     According to research, it is estimated that 8 out of 10 Ghanaian men are diagnosed with prostate related conditions in their life time.
5.     As at 2007, the Kole-Bu Teaching Hospital revealed that the country had exceeded the global average of 170 men out of every 100,000, recording a prevalence of 200 men out of every 100,000.
6.     According to research, about 1,000 Ghanaian men are diagnosed with prostate related conditions yearly.


·        1. The need to urinate frequently during the night.

·        2. Urinating more often during the day.

·        3. Urinating urgency – the urge to urinate can be so strong and sudden that you may not reach the toilet in time.

·        4. The urine stream is slow to start.
·        Urine dribbling for some time after finishing urination.

·        5. A sensation that the bladder isn’t fully emptied after urination.

·       6.  Lack of force to the urine flow, which makes directing the stream difficult.


1.     Proper Nutrition: Look at what you eat. 33% of all cancer, according to the US National Cancer Institute is related to what we eat

·        Red meet everyday triples your changes of prostate disease.
·        Milk everyday doubles your risk.

·        Fruits /vegetables daily reduce your risk.
·        Tomatoes are very good for men since it has loads of lycopene a potent natural antioxidant.
·        Foods that are rich zinc eg. Pumpkin seeds. Zinc is essential for male sexuality and fertility.

2.Reduce alcoho consumption and avoid smoking.

3.     Exercise regularly to build muscles.

4.     Avoid sitting for too long, walk often.

5.     Avoid wearing tight underwear.


Forever Vitolize men’s vitality supplement offers a natural solution a healthy prostate.
This natural supplement combines an effective blend of Potent herbs, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant to help support normal urinary flow, testicular function, male sexual health and optimal prostate health.


·        Proprietary blend of botanical including SAW PALMETTO, PYGEUM AND PUMKIN SEED, which has been used for centuries in traditional herbal medicine. 

·        Vitamin C,D,E and B6 are all essential for a healthy prostate.

·        Selenium and Zinc are minerals which have been researched for their critical role in prostate health.

·        Quercetin and Lycopene has been added to provide overall prostate health.

Forever Multi Maca combines legendary Peruvian Maca with other powerful herbs and select ingredients, to create one of the finest supplements of its kind. The Spanish Conquistadors called it the sex herb of the Incas.


·        MACA (ROOTS), known as the sex herb of the Incas, used for over 2,000 years by Inca warriors for endurance and stamina.

·        L-Arginine, an amino acid that our bodies convert into nitric oxide, a molecule that helps blood vessel relax and open wide for greater blood flow.

·        Saw Palmetto, used for centuries to treat symptoms of BPH and also to promote prostate health.

·        Co Enzyme Q-10, this enzyme is necessary for the basic functioning of cell, including those of the heart and blood vessels.

Forever ARGI+ combines L-Arginine and vitamin complex which help promote greater blood flow and support body function.

·        1 Healthy blood pressure levels.

·        2. Overall cardiovascular health.

·        3. Immune function.

·       4.  Muscle growth.

·        5. Bone and tissue growth and repair.

·        6. Male sexual function.

·        7. Fat and glucose metabolism.

·        8. Anti-aging hormone production and more

·        L-Arginine is an amino acid that our bodies convert into nitric oxide, a molecule that help blood vessel relax and open wide for greater blood flow.

·        Pomogrante - well known for its strong antioxidant level.

·        Red Wine Extract – to help maintain healthy cholesterol level.

·        Grape Skin and Berry – extracts for cardiovascular and immune system health.


Forever Aloe Berry Nector contains all of the goodness found in our Forever Aloe Vera Gel, plus the added benefits of cranberry and apples.
Besides their reputation as a cleanser for the urinary tract, cranbarries provide a high content of vitamin C.
They are also a natural source of healthful proanthocyanidins.

Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel, Frutose, Natural Cranberry and Apple Juice Concentrate (Flavors), Sorbitol, Ascorbic Acid (Antioxidant), Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate (To Help Protect Flavor), Soduim Benzoate (To Help Protect Flavor), Xanthan Gum, Tocopherol (Antioxident).

FOREVER SUPPLEMEN combine with a healthy diet, lifestyle habits and exercise can help support optimal Prostate Health.

Forever Pomesteen Power

Forever Pomesteen Power is a powerful nutritional drink containing lot's of Anti-Oxidants, Derived from Pomegranate, Mangosteen, Raspberry, Pear, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape seed.Pomegranate juice has more powerful anti-oxidants agents than tea,red wine,cranberry juice and orange juice.Mangosteen known as queen of fruits is rich in Xanthones,a family of anti-Oxidants naturally found in fruits All these ingredients are what makes of Forever Pomesteen Power the top of the list in Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity ( ORAC) value.


The fruits that makes up the Forever Pomesteen power and their Health Benefits
1. Mangosteen
It contains xanthones which are phytonutrients known to have a strong antioxidant activity against free radicals.
Health Benefits Of Mangosteen
Analgesic,Antioxidant,Anti-arthritic,Anti-allergenic,Antibiotic,Antidepressant,Anti-fungal,Anti-inflammatory,Antipyretic and Anti-viral and more benefits are
Energy Booster
Helps Lower Blood Sugar Levels
Helps You Lose Weight
Prevents Cancer, Prevents cataracts
Prevents Dementia, Prevents Glaucoma
Prevents Gum Disease, Protects Your Heart
Prevents Hardening of Your Arteries
Queen Victoria once aptly declared mangosteen as her favorite fruit because of its delicious taste. She must have also appreciated the health benefits of mangosteen.
Since then, it has been referred to as the "Queen of Fruits."
Recommend To Read :Sexual weakness solution

2. Pomegranate Juice
It has excellent antioxidant properties. It contains more antioxidants than either green tea or red wine.
Pomegranate Health Benefits:
Studies show that pomegranate juice prevents the formation of cancer cells
It may also prevent lung cancer
It slows down the growth of prostate cancer cells
It prevents osteoarthritis
It prevents the build-up of plaque in your arteries
It prevents Alzheimer's disease
It lowers your bad cholesterol levels
It prevents dental plaque formation
Its nutrients protect your body from premature aging

Pomegranate Health Benefits to Pregnant Women
''Drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy is very beneficial. According to a study published in May 2012 in the "American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism" they discovered that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy may help lower the risk of injury to the placenta.
The antioxidants in pomegranate juice help prevent and repair damage to the cells of the placenta by free radicals. It may also be helpful in lowering the risk of injury to the baby's brain, according to a study published in "Pediatric Research" in June 2005.
The high levels of a type of antioxidant called polyphenols in pomegranate juice help minimize a type of brain damage caused by lack of oxygen that sometimes occurs during birth.''

3. Blackberry Juice
It is among the top ten foods that contain antioxidants.
Benefits of Blackberry Juice
It fights off environmental carcinogens
It contains anthocyanin and ellagic acid which protect your body against cancer
It prevents breast cancer
It also prevents cervical cancer
It relieves intestinal inflammation
It strengthens your blood vessels
It lowers your bad cholesterol levels

4. Blueberry Juice
It contains phytochemicals that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Benefits of Blueberry Juice
It prevents eye damage due to retinal degeneration
It prevents the proliferation of colon cancer cells
It promotes urinary tract health
It relieves diarrhea and constipation
It promotes the growth of neurons
It keeps cell membranes healthy
It relaxes your blood vessels, thus, preventing increased blood pressure

5. Pear Fruit Juice
It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin c. It also contains more pectin than apple
Health Benefits of Pear Fruit Juice
It is a good laxative because most of its fiber is insoluble
It promotes cardiovascular health
It is a natural energy booster
It lowers your bad cholesterol levels

6. Grape Seed Extract
It contains compounds that are beneficial to your heart. It also contains resveratrol which inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Health Benefits of Grape Seed Extract
It improves your night vision
It is effective against pancreatitis
It protects your blood vessels from damage
It prevents cholesterol oxidation and damage to your cardiovascular system if you happen to be a smoker

7. Raspberry Fruit Juice -
It ranks near the top of all fruits for antioxidant activity due to its concentrated amounts of ellagic acid, quercitin, anthocyanin, cyanidins, catechins, etc.
It is a potent antioxidant source because of its contents. It has an ORAC value of 4900 per 100 grams.
Health Benefits of Raspberry


                                     Order  Right Here

Kindly Send as a WhatsApp Message or Call us on 0555149995 to place your Prostate health package now.

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Delivery may be charged depending on your location


A fruit used in ancient China for centuries, lycium has been shown to enhance the complexion and help maintain energy and good vision. Forever Lycium Plus® is a dietary supplement containing antioxidants, bioflavonoids and other beneficial phytonutrients.

Lycium is known in China as a “yin tonic”, with many traditional uses for maintaining good prostate health. Licorice is considered to be the most widely used herb in China. It is made up of over 150 different compounds, which have been shown to have many beneficial effects. Its most frequent use by far is as a complementary herb, with its main function being to bring out the best beneficial effects of other herbs. This makes it an ideal companion for lycium

Licorice Flavonoid Extract is a concentrated form of licorice bioflavonoids. It is produced according to a process that removes most of the glycyrrhizin, an intensely sweet component of licorice that has been shown to produce no side effects.

Based on modern studies, licorice bioflavonoids are among the strongest antioxidants discovered to date


Importance Of Taking Forever Lycium Plus

1. Contains Goji berries which are excellent antioxidants and improves kidney & liver health, blood suger levels, may prevent c.ancer growth and improve a healthy prostate health

2. Licorice in Lycium improves respiratory health, protects skin and teeth, soothes stomach pain and reduces stress  

3. Lycium is being shown to support eye health, prevent liver damage, provide immune system support and stabilize blood sugar 

SUGGESTED USE One tablet, three times a day   

   Order Prostate package now


When we think of bees, honey and pollen are foremost in our thoughts. Yet another important substance, propolis, is a sticky resin collected by bees. Honeybees collect and metabolize the propolis, then line their hives with it to protect the hive. It’s so effective, the interior of the bee hive has been found to be safer than most operating rooms. The name Propolis is derived from the Greek meaning “before the city,” signifying that propolis defended the entire community from external threat. Propolis has a 5000-year history. The Assyrians and the Greeks used propolis to help maintain good health. Fortified with royal jelly, Forever Bee Propolis® is an excellent way to help support the body’s natural defenses. And then support a healthy prostate functioning

 Forever Bee Propolis® is gathered from pollution-free regions. To further assure purity, specially designed bee propolis collectors are used. Forever Bee Propolis® is 100% natural with no added preservatives or artificial color

CALL OR WHAT'SAPP 0555149995

Price Of Product : 1680.00gh Cedis

part purchase is 1000.00ghc

half package is 860.00ghc


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